To our left sat a few tables for patrons, an unused jukebox, and two pool tables. Beyond the pool tables was a door marked Private. Two men, hand in hand, walked through the door, which clearly led to a back room used for sexual activity.
“It’s a bit tasteless,” he said.
“More than just a bit.”
“We don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.”
“I can stick it out. Besides, I’m with you. Something tells me you can make this place less slummy.”
“You’re royalty here.’
“I’m flattered,” I teased, thinking maybe we should have gone to Bestro’s Italian Restaurant for a drink. Bestro’s had a piano player and baritone singers.
“Your beer is almost empty, Mark. Let me order you another one.”
“Thanks,” I told him.
He obtained Gevins’ attention and placed my order.
Before I knew it, a new bottle of beer sat in front of me. “You don’t waste any time, do you, Gevins?”