Chapter 1

Sebastian Walton stared at the house his friend, Hector Rivera, grew up in and the house he’d spent a lot of time in himself. Once upon a time, as the story goes, the Waltons had a house just a few spaces down. But after high school his mom and dad had sold the house and retired to Arizona. Hector’s family had never left. Even now, after Hector’s dad had died of a heart attack three years ago, his mother wanted to stay in their home.

“It looks the same,” he told Hector as they stood at the curb having just exited Hector’s Honda sedan.

“We haven’t been gone that long. Just for Cecilia’s wedding. Besides, it always looks the same.” Hector went to the trunk and opened it, taking out their two small bags.

They were now in their senior year of college at Stanford in Northern California and they were here for a week’s visit between semesters.

Hector glanced at the Ford Hybrid in the driveway. “Looks like Pablo is here.”

Sebastian’s breath caught, his heart suddenly kicking up its pace. Pablo Rivera was Hector’s impossibly sexy older brother. Sebastian had spent most of his life having a bit of a boy crush on Pablo. When he was in high school, there had been that time—

“Earth to Sebastian.” Hector waved his hand in front of Sebastian’s face. “You okay?”

“Sorry, lost in memories.”

“Let’s go. Mama’s expecting us.”

Hector led the way to the familiar front door of the four bedroom ranch-style home. It had been painted the same burnt umber color since Sebastian was a small boy. The paint was cracking and peeling in places.

He’d had his first kiss here. Both of them. The one he’d shared with his high school girlfriend, Cecilia Rivera, Hector’s little sister, and the one in their swimming pool he’d shared with Pablo, Hector’s older brother.

It was the pool kiss that had meant the most to him. And had been the most shocking. He remembered it like yesterday. Pablo’s taste and smell…

* * * *

Sebastian watched Pablo as he stood on the diving board. The nineteen-year-old wore tiny little red swim trunks that barely covered his tight ass and showed off how large his dick was. As Sebastian stared at his golden brown skin, he stretched his muscular arms high above his head. Pablo had hardly any chest hair and Sebastian wondered if he waxed. His mouth watered as his gaze lowered to Pablo’s washboard stomach and lower to that prominent bulge.

Pablo dived with barely any discernible splash, emerging several seconds later. His dark chin-length hair was wet and plastered to his head, and droplets of pool water clung to his cheeks, nose, and chin.

Sebastian turned away and swam to one side of the pool, holding onto the side. What the hell was wrong with him? He wasn’t supposed to be attracted to other guys. Hell, he was dating CeCe, Pablo and Hector’s sister. Boys didn’t like other boys. Not unless they were gay and he certainly couldn’t be gay, right?

He tried to ignore Pablo as he swam by, but it was almost impossible not to watch those muscular long legs kicking. Where was Hector, anyway? If his friend would hurry and come out to the pool he could distract Sebastian from Pablo.

Without even turning around, Sebastian knew Pablo had stopped right behind him. Sebastian held his breath. Should he swim away to the shallow end, putting safe distance between him and the object of his fascination?

Pablo felt so close, he could swear he felt the heat from Pablo’s body. His body reacted to the nearness, his dick rising against his own swim trunks.


The word, a husky whisper with just a hint of an accent, caused his heart to clench, his lungs to seize. Part of him started to panic, thinking he should try to get away, swim under Pablo’s arm to freedom. But really, what was Pablo going to do or say? He didn’t need to fear anything.

Sebastian turned around, but still gripped the side of the pool. Pablo was closer than he had even thought. He stared directly into whiskey-brown eyes dotted with flecks of gold. He smelled faintly of strawberries and sunscreen. Sebastian dropped his gaze to Pablo’s sensual lips, which were curved into a sexy as sin smile.

His breath came in short little gasps as Pablo leaned toward him and touched his lips to Sebastian’s. It was not the gentle, hesitant kiss he’d shared with CeCe. But hot, demanding, exhilarating. Pablo pushed his tongue inside Sebastian’s mouth and suddenly he was clinging to Pablo’s shoulders, returning the kiss.

“You want a soda?” Hector called from just inside the house.