“I don’t have the leather just now, but a man I know should be coming into town in a few days.” He grinned at George, showing a gap between his teeth. “Want me to dye the leather? I can make it black like your horse.”
George would like that, but they couldn’t stay that long. He glanced at Papa, surprised to see his intent gaze. “Papa?”
Papa turned back to the saddle maker. “How much?” he asked.
Se?orIke told him, and Papa let out a whistle.
“It’ll be worth the wait.”
“It’s gonna cost enough,” Papa said.
“Tell you what. If you ain’t happy with it, you won’t owe me a single red cent.”
“What do you say?” Papa glanced at George.
“I don’t need a saddle now.” He knew the money belt Papa wore under his shirt was starting to get thin.
“You’re breaking my heart, kid. A man’s gotta make a living.”
“I reckon so. It’ll be your birthday soon, son,” Papa said. “Okay, Ike. You make that saddle, and if it’s as fine as you say it will be, I’ll pay your price.”