Meanwhile, Tom kept stroking and making a fuss over the gelding. “So you’re an outlaw, are you?” Tom tugged the gelding’s forelock and rubbed his ears.
“All set, Papa.” George held out the head gear he’d fashioned from a length of rope.
“Nice work, son.” Tom took the hackamore, but when he brought it toward the horse’s head, the gelding threw up his head and flattened his ears once again. “Easy. Easy, now.” Tom calmed the paint down and let him get used to seeing the hackamore. When he finally seemed comfortable, Tom slid the headband on and made a few adjustments before fastening it in place. “All right now, suppose we go for a walk?”
Tom led the gelding down the center of the stable. At first he could see the horse was ready to balk, but when he realized his mouth was free of the bit, he followed willingly.
* * * *