“Maybe one day when this is all over, we could go to that valley in the Dakota Territory?” He held his breath waiting to hear Bart’s response.
“I’d…I’d like that. Nate will be old enough to take over my responsibilities in a few years.” Bart sounded wistful. That would make him twenty-two. George knew he’d been working since he was ten, and he’d never had much opportunity to be a child.
There was an older sister, two sisters between Bart and Nate, and three girls even younger. Because of the age difference, Bart and his brother weren’t particularly close. George thought that was sad, but sometimes people who weren’t blood were closer than people who were.
He thought of Bart and Frank. They were as much his family as Papa, Mama, and his sisters.
“George!” Mr. Hudson came riding up on one of the horses he kept for the patrons who preferred to ride instead of being driven.