“How long till we reach your valley?”
“Our valley, querido. Three or four weeks, I reckon.” He frowned when Bart groaned. “What’s wrong? Did that bastard hurt you? Dammit, I should have stomped on his hand like I did Lewis St. Claire and his bastard father.”
“No, no. I was just thinking…it’s going to be that long before we can make love again.”
“I reckon we can find a remedy for that.”
“How? We’ve got to make tracks out of here.”
“Trust me, Bart. I’ll find a way.”
Bart gazed at him with so much love in his eyes…That was the way it was for him and Bart too 49
George was relieved to be back in camp. He supposed he should be devastated to have killed those three men, but Bart, Frank, and Steve had been threatened, and Mr. Fox was dead. George felt nothing but fierce satisfaction.
Noelle, Charlie, and Thomas ran to him, crying in relief, even though they’d seen him hours earlier.
“Didn’t you think I could take care of those varmints?”