“Well, maybe a bit higher,” Adam said with a straight face. “The main thing is, if Bull’s taken on protecting Cole, he needs to keep up his strength. Right, Bull?” He scratched behind the dog’s ears, earning him a slobbery lick. “Okay, that I did not need,” Adam grumbled, going to wash his hands.
“Did you get any sleep last night,” Bret asked Cole.
“Some, but…”
“There’s an empty bed. I suggest you use it. The way you look right now, you’ll get nowhere fast, trying to job hunt.”
“Can I take Bull up with me?”
“I have the feeling you’d be hard pressed to keep him from following, so yeah. As long as you’re sure he won’t try to protect you from anyone here.”
“He didn’t bother people on our way over.”
“Bullmastiffs, and that’s what he looks like,” Adam said, “are supposed to be very friendly unless they think their owner is being threatened.”