“What if the new Alpha’s already moved them somewhere else?” Cole asked as they neared Grand Junction.
“Nowyou worry about that? Hopefully, he hasn’t.”
A few minutes later, they drove into the campground and parked. Then they strolled casually toward the area set off for campers and RVs. At least Ky was being casual. Cole was tense, his hands clenched, until Ky pointed out they could teleport away at the least sign of trouble.
They were almost at the place where they’d seen Jenna and Venus the last time they’d been there, when a tall, muscular man stepped out of one of the campers. Cole hissed in a panicked breath when he recognized him as one of the men who had been at the vacant building.
The man held up one hand, saying, “Don’t worry. I’m not going to hurt you.” He looked at Ky, briefly smiling. “We figured the two of you would show up sooner or later. If you’ll come with me, I’ll take you to the new Alpha.”