Peering out the front window, he saw that Matthew had brought him to the park, the very one he often dreamed about them spending time in, the park where they walked after Jimmy’s funeral. Ache blossomed in his chest, especially when he climbed out, opening the backdoor to let Roscoe out. He spied the suitcase jammed into the space behind the driver’s seat.
He’s leaving.
Matthew remained silent, striking out across the expanse of vibrant green grass, aiming for the pond and the wooden bridge. Daniel gave Roscoe a soothing scratch on the top of his head, then followed along after his unrequited lover. With each step, the cracks in his heart spread as he tried to imagine what it would be like to have Matthew go away again.
I hope this time he stays gone. Is that rude of me to think? I need a way to get on with my life, find a man I can spend my nights with, build on, cherish the little things.