Chapter 13

Exactly who Hale was and what he was doing on the crew occupied almost as much of Roane’s thoughts as did the situation with Alden. Mike was a real enigma, although he now seemed to treat Roane with a guarded respect on the rare occasions their paths crossed. Before their discussion over Flannery, Hale had studiously ignored Roane. Still, the mysterious man never seemed to do anything except wander around and look at stuff. Was he even an employee? No one seemed to know.

On the job, Alden treated Roane very much as he did any of the other crew members, being neither curt nor friendly. Roane continued to spot for the panel placements, which were even more complex as they laid out switch points, junctions, and cross-overs to create the maximum maneuverability for the locomotives and cars in the limited space available.