Chapter 10

“He needs to get back home. People his age ought to be settling down. Starting families. Putting back into their communities. Not getting in with the likes of whoever would have three different types of flaming acid spells.”

Talfryn scowled, but when Akton caught his gaze he almost looked embarrassed before turning away. Had Glenna thought they’d make a couple? Maybe for a night, but—Akton shook himself. He couldn’t be thinking about sex, not when he wasn’t sure where to go or what to do next, not when this town seemed to be out to get him, too.

Glenna was annoying him.

“Actually, the reason they were trying to kill me was because I said I didn’t want to get in with them,” he said, and when Glenna turned to look at him he pulled open the strange pack and took out the parchment orders. “I was at a town just within the confines of these orders, to buy supplies. When no one joined their group they burned the place down.”