“You didn’t think I could figure it out, did you?” asked Basil, sounding smug. “I admit, I was confused at first. I was shocked to find a fire wielder so strong. But by our second encounter, I knew.”
Talfryn moved forward, around a boulder. He was aware it was a bad idea to let Basil stall like this, let him regain strength or come up with some plan, let Akton die waiting for Talfryn to return to him. And the more Basil talked, the more Talfryn was convinced it meant he was weakened.
“Well done,” he said, but continued to advance.
“And here I thought I was the only one,” said Basil. “But Ylenia’s been up to some breeding programs, hasn’t she?”
Talfryn froze. It took everything to resist looking into Basil’s eyes, seeking out presence or lack of honesty. But Talfryn wasn’t going to fall for it. He wasn’t going to let anything Basil said shock him into getting frozen. He forced himself to keep going.