Chapter 3

He wondered what would happen if he inched his hand across to Ben’s. Would Ben take it? Would it lead to something more? A kiss? An embrace?

His own breathing grew deeper, louder. He tried to stifle it, control it, but it had been a long time since he’d been so near another man he found physically, sexually, and intellectually attractive, he wasn’t up to the task. He turned his head slightly in Ben’s direction and opened his eyes a crack. He could make out Ben’s profile in the darkness. Despite himself, he inched his hand across the space between them, his erection twitching each time he moved it.

“There’s one,” said Ben suddenly. His hand shot into the air.

Armand looked up, doing his best to see where Ben was pointing. “Where? I can’t see it.”

“See that really bright star? Just beneath it, heading west.”