
Chapter 5

Having forgotten the burglar, interloper, or intruder downstairs, he whispered to the insect, “You shouldn’t spend the night in here. We need to get you back to your buddies.”

The lightening bug brushed its wings against one of his cheeks, flashing.

“You’re so friendly, little guy.”

Bay turned from the stairwell and walked into his bedroom, no longer questioning, or concerned about, the footsteps in the kitchen. He chalked it up to his overactive imagination.

Once inside his bedroom, he walked up to one of the two windows overlooking the playful lake, sleeping gardens, and firefly-illuminated night. He opened the window’s semi-transparent screen, carefully pulling it upwards with both hands.

“Time to leave. Be with your friends. Maybe we’ll see each other tomorrow.”

As if the firefly listened, it flew out the window, into the night.