
Chapter 20

“I hope so. Doesn’t matter, though, since I’ll have one-point-three million dollars in my bank account. I think I can get by on that.”

“That’s quite a lump of money, Sam. More than both of us have made in the last seven years.” Bay joked, “I think you can survive for the next few years at least. What’s going on with the show in August at Stanton Gallery?”

“It’s cancelled now that this happened. There’s no need for a show. Padilla has paid Staton Gallery off, buying me out of my contract with the gallery. Working with Padilla is bigger than Staton. It sounds crazy to say, but it’s true.”

It’s happening, Bay thought. Success with Sam’s art is taking over his world, and Sam’s love for him is slowly being forgotten. Sam is choosing money, traveling, and Francesca Padilla over me, which I’m fine with. I knew this would someday happen. Maybe not this soon, but whatever. Sam deserves this. I’m happy for him.