At one point, as she was working on the site, Rae leaned back to look at Wayne. “I can see how Lou can act as a bodyguard without anyone knowing it’s him. He’s done that before. But how will you be able to set up security on homes or businesses?”
“He may be, no, I take that back, he is an expert at being someone other than himself. That said, I’m no slouch, either. Not his class, but I can do it when I need to.”
“If you say so,” she replied.
“Are you doubting my word?” Wayne asked in feigned dismay.
“Well…Not really, I guess. It’s just that I’ve never seen you do it.”
“Because I never had to, as far as you knew. There were times when I was in the Marshals Service that I did, and it worked.”
Rae grinned. “Okay, Dad, I believe you—now.”
“Thanks, I think.”
Rae was in the process of using her considerable skills to make the website impervious to hackers searching for its owners, when a phone rang. It took them a moment to realize it was the burner that Lou had used to call Matt.