Chapter 39

“Damn, you’re good,” Matt said twenty minutes later, admiration in his voice and the look he gave her.

She had combined the videos she’d taken the previous evening with the ones she had of Regotti the day he was released from prison. The melding was so perfect it was impossible to tell that the films had been digitally altered.

She had even been able to put a facsimile of the headline in the Denver Post, from three weeks earlier, in the news box in front of the building next to the insurance company. That was the day Regotti had called Matt. She said, when Lou spotted it, “It proves, and I use the term loosely, when Regotti was there.”

They watched the videos several more times, at Rae’s insistence, looking for any flaws, however small. When they finished, Wayne hugged her tightly. “You did a fantastic job. I think we’ll keep you around.”

“As if you have a choice,” she replied, trying to suppress a yawn.