Chapter 4

It wasn’t until he bent to ask for Big Jimmy’s help in climbing down that he noticed the brouhaha brewing at his feet. Most of the members were gathered protectively around Big Jimmy, who was hollering himself red-faced at an equally impassioned passerby.

“…so sick of this shit!” the man—very brawny woman? Person in a sparkly ballerina tutu, at all events—was shouting. “Who asked you to come out here tonight? You think being gay’s such a sin, then don’t be it.” Would that it were that easy, Hubert lamented. “But leave us the fuck alone!” the ballerina continued.

“The Lord God Almighty, that’s who asked me to come out here tonight!” Big Jimmy retorted at the top of his voice. “The Gospel of Mark compels me: ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature!’ ‘How can they hear without someone preaching to them?’ Romans ten fourteen!”

“Your God is not the boss of me!” the ballerina hurled back. “From the Book of Kiss My Ass!”