Chapter 10

Just like Caleb is now.

Caleb wiped his mouth with a napkin, crumbling it into a ball, and dropping it on his plate. He leaned on the table, arms folded. “Leo, there’s something I want to confess to you and I hope you will be okay with it.”

His heart skipped a beat. “What?”

“That night, when it all happened, I was there.”

The world screeched to a halt, the edges of Leo’s vision blurring. “What?”

There was no denying the sorrow clouding Caleb’s eyes. “Highlander and I were on patrol that night. There had been a charity to-do earlier in the night for which we provided extra security. When the call came through,” he shook his head. “I raced through city streets to get there. I wanted to help.” His story stopped as he seemed to get lost in his own memories. Leo let him go, knowing all too well what it was like. “After that night I wanted to do more. That’s how I wound up leading the group.”
