Chapter 5

“Oh.” I nodded, trying to think of what I could say. For a few days it had been nice thinking maybe there really was someone out there who liked me.

He blinked, looking at first confused, and then crestfallen. “I-I’m sorry,” he whispered.

“No, don’t be. I just, I guess, well, I thought, maybe I really did have an admirer.”

“But, don’t you get it?” Gilbert asked.

“Get what?”

“You do. It’s me.Jesse, all those gifts, what they said, the notes, Ifeel that. For you. I want you to be my Valentine.”

I could only stare at him, because I couldn’t form words to respond. It was like wanting something your whole life, or most of it, and finally being told that, yes, you can have it, and being so dumbfounded, you’re left speechless. I knew I had to say something because Gilbert was looking very uncertain and a little sad. I didn’t want that.


“I can hardly believe it,” I finally managed to say. Here I was standing in nothing but my bathrobe hearing Gilbert say he wanted me. Me.