Chapter 2

Ed’s face was unreadable, but with his steel blue eyes, he looked directly into Joe’s soul as he spoke. “I’ve been thinking about it for the past couple hours. Like you said, I have a good head for business and can learn the business side of running a farm. I can also be in charge of keeping the equipment in good running order.” He paused and grinned. “And yes, I know those things won’t take up thatmuch time, so I would be your very willing apprentice. I would actually likedoing this.”

Joe blew out a shaky breath. “You would?”

“Yes. We’d be our own bosses, make our own decisions. You were raised on a farm, so you’d have to be the one in charge of the day-to-day operations. I don’t know anything about that yet.”

“I do.” Joe grinned. “Let’s do it. Let’s look at it, anyway. See what kind of shape it’s in.”

Ed’s smile echoed the relief in his eyes. “Yeah. Let’s do it.” He paused a moment before sobering. “We’re solid, right? I mean—shit—we don’t talk about this stuff, but…well…you know. This isn’t something I can commit to without knowing you’re with me for the long haul, or at least that you intend to be.”

Hell, Joe was totally devoted to Ed. His thoughts spun at the realization, but the sudden lightness in his heart as it became apparent Ed definitely wanted him to move to Mayfield, too, attested to it. “Yeah, Ed, we’re solid.”

Ed cleared his throat and relaxed. “Okay, then.”

“Oh, shit.” Joe sat up in his chair. “You say it’s been almost two weeks? Is the place abandoned right now? Surely they’ve got someone taking care of the livestock?”

Ed nodded. “According to this, a friend of my dad’s is going over every day to take care of the animals, but I need to make permanent arrangements ASAP.”

“Yeah? Maybe he’ll have some answers about why your dad never contacted you.”

“Maybe. I’d like to learn a little about my father. I don’t understand why he’d so completely abandon me, but then turn around and leave me everything he owned. It doesn’t make sense.”

No, it didn’t, and Joe didn’t want to speculate. He stood up. “I’m going to put these groceries away and hop in the shower.”

“’Kay. I’m gonna call the lawyer and make arrangements to go check the place out tomorrow. We need to make some quick decisions. I don’t know much, but I know we can’t just let a farm sit like that.”

“Do you want me to come with you?”

“God, yes. Between the two of us, you’re the only one who’ll be able to tell if it’s viable or not.”

Joe smiled. Why did it make him feel so good to know Ed needed him? “I’m scheduled to join a team baling tomorrow over in Hillsboro. I’ll make a call to let him know I won’t be making it.”

Ed nodded. “Thank you.” He gathered up the papers, pulled his cell phone out of his pocket, and dialed.

* * * *

Ed ended the call and set down his phone. He tapped his pencil on the table and swallowed as he reread his notes. It was all arranged. He would meet the lawyer in Mayfield early tomorrow morning, sign a bunch of papers, and get the keys. After that, he and Joe would be pretty much on their own to figure it all out. Keep it, sell it, the lawyer didn’t care; it would be out of his hands.

He smiled. Apparently, his earlier worries had all been for nothing. Joe was willing to give up city life—such as it was in Omaha—with all its inherent activities, to move to the boonies with him. That had to mean something, didn’t it?

He’d spent too much time simply staring at the lawyer’s cover letter, trembling with a fear he couldn’t quite place, until it had hit him like a runaway freight train. It wouldn’t have been such a big deal to sell the farm and invest the money. Or he could have hired some help while learning the ropes. But the idea of losing Joe had panicked him. He’d never spent time thinking about it before—had taken Joe for granted—but he’d do or give up anything to stay with the man.

The water turned off in the shower. He stood and walked toward the bedroom to strip for his own shower. He kicked off his work shoes and peeled off his greasy coveralls, then ambled into the bathroom.

Joe had already dried off and was combing his short summer-blond hair. Ed’s breath caught in his throat as he watched the flex of Joe’s back muscles. Back, ass, hamstrings, arms—hell—all of him. The potent effect of Joe’s nakedness on his libido never ceased to amaze him.