Chapter 18

Ed stripped, tossing the dirty clothes into the hamper before going to the bathroom. Joe added his clothes to the dirty pile and pulled clean ones from the dresser.

He entered the bathroom to find Ed toweling off. The sight of the lean muscles flexing as he bent over drying his legs sent a flash of desire straight to Joe’s cock. “Jesus.”

Ed looked up and grinned, no doubt at the dopey expression on his face. “I know, I know. It’s yourturn.”

It was, wasn’t it? But not necessarily in the way Ed meant. Joe waggled his eyebrows. Ed was looking particularly tasty, and Joe meant to do something about it. “Wait in the bedroom for me?”

Ed snorted and picked up his toothbrush. “I’ll be there.”


Joe’s shower was hot but fast. He toweled off and brushed his teeth, losing no time. When he entered the bedroom, he saw Ed lazing on the bed. He sat up as Joe crossed the room, but Joe pushed him down, crawling forward on the mattress until their mouths met.