Chapter 35

His mother was still good at changing subjects. “Jenny tells me there’s a woman in town who’s going to come over this week to start your canning.”

“Chrissy Ingalls. She and her husband, Ben, own the hardware store.” He turned to Jenny. “Ben was the pitcher on our team for the softball game. Anyway, Mom, I guess she does that for several folks in exchange for a share of the jars.”

“Your garden looks wonderful. There’s more than enough there for just the two of you.”

“Looks like I’ll get out of the garden harvesting unless Ed backs down a little on my work restrictions this week.” Ed’s narrowed eyes told him that was unlikely. “But I’m sure I can manage some of the green bean snapping, even though Chrissy said she’d handle that part. I need to dosomethingto feel useful.” He hoped the resolve he placed in the gaze he leveled at Ed was just as clear.

“I can live with that,” Ed replied, relenting. “But nothing actually in the garden. I’llhandle that.”