“Is your stomach burned, or just the shirt?”
Ed shook his head. “Just the shirt.”
“Stay here.” Joe ran to the bedroom. Crouching, he ripped the burning spread from the mattress, scattering broken glass, and beat it on the floor to snuff out the flames. Biting pain shot through Joe’s heel as he dashed to the dresser to snatch his cell phone. He yelped as he fell to his knees.
Ed came running. “Jesus.” He sounded panicked as he grabbed Joe’s arm. “Get out of this goddamned room.” They staggered to the bedroom door, dodging glass as Joe hobbled on the ball of his foot. He grabbed his cell off the dresser as they went by.
A loud pop, followed by a chilling scream that would surely haunt his nightmares for years to come, pierced the night as an eerie radiance outside the front room window cut the darkness—a glow that grew quickly…and moved.
“Oh, God.” Ed swung open the linen closet door and grabbed a handful of blankets.