“His eyes,” whispered Snap, his own eyes growing wide. “They were worried, perhaps even had a little fear in them.”
Tate, afraid?
“He told me to take the letter to the trolls.” Snap visibly shuddered. “I would have begged him to send another in my place, but he insisted he could trust no one else with the information contained in the enveloped. So I went. I didn’t have any problems getting there, and I passed it off to one of the smaller members.” By smaller, Warden knew Snap meant the troll easily saw over a Suburban. “Then I hightailed it back to Tate’s, and…he was gone.”
Warden relaxed a hair. To him, it sounded like Tate was attending to business as usual, nothing more. “Maybe he went out for a shot of Moonbeam.” It was Tate’s beverage of choice, and Warden made the mistake of trying it once. He woke up four days later.
Snap shook his head violently. “His place, it’s messy. And I may have smelled blood.”