The ground shook subtly. Warden realized it was the telltale tremble of troll steps. They had run out of time. 7
The wolf swam to the surface, ready to protect what mattered most. When Warden spoke, his voice was particularly gruff. “What do we do?”
He may have spent the last two or three years helping out the residents of Underground, but there were still things he didn’t understand. Magic wasn’t his area of expertise. Thank goodness for Snap.
“The spell must be broken. Only then can we release him.”
Snap turned, brow furrowed, hands wringing his robe once again. By now, Warden could hear the heavy breathing of the incoming troll, the stench of an unwashed body growing stronger.
“His necklace,” Snap whispered.
“His necklace…” Warden fished in his shirt and produced the pendant. “This?”
Snap nodded vigorously. “Yes. Place it on the ground. It should be enough to diffuse the magic and allow Tate to pass through. Quickly.” Snap danced from foot to foot.