Chapter 12

To hell with the lack of privacy.She was right…who cared if anyone saw them? He reached for her breasts and let himself explode.

As they showered later, he was suddenly stricken by how deeply he’d betrayed the man he knew he loved.

“Turn around. I’ll wash your back,” Marleena said.

He edged away with a garbled, “Too much sun today.”

He thought about the sex they’d just shared. It had been exciting. It had been good. Although they were seldom together, it had also been familiar. This was the first time he’d recognized what it had notbeen; it hadn’t been satisfying in the truest meaning of the word because it wasn’t truly who he was at the deepest sensual part of him. He wasn’t bi, he was solidly gay, and not only had he betrayed Greg, he’d used her simply to relieve his fatigue and tension. The shame whipping through him was so overwhelming he had trouble looking her in the eyes as they dried off and dressed.