When River entered him, he cried out as lust uncoiled to sear him deep in his belly. River’s strong hands on his hips anchored their bodies together, Greg closed his hand over his cock and pumped as River pulled out, then plunged into him over and over. A turbulent maelstrom of sensation sucked Greg in, and he was awhirl in sexual feelings, at once tender and demanding, voracious, soft and hard. And then he was rushing, rushing toward climax, and, when it broke, the scream leaping from his throat came from the depths of ecstasy.
They slumped, and as he drifted off once again he dreamed he heard River say, “Te amo, mi corazón.” I love you, my heart.
It had been one terrific dream. 6
Tournament Day 4
“Good morning. Glorious weather for a playoff, isn’t it?” River said it with a new softness in his voice and eyes. Looking at his practice club, he spoke so only Greg could hear. “Has it ever been that wonderful for you?”
Greg’s face flushed. “No. Not even six years ago. And you?”