“Since the cops beat him?” Ray let his anger seep in for a moment. “He’s doing better. Still only able to work part days at the restaurant though. He gets tired very easily.”
Nick toyed with his potatoes, still not looking up. Ray noticed he blushed a lot. It was very attractive, actually. He didn’t know why, but the spots of red on Nick’s pale cheeks were a real turn-on. Hell, the whole man was hot. Ray couldn’t remember being this attracted to a guy so fast in a long time. A guy so obviously different from him.
The truth was, when Ray thought of whom he’d live happily-ever-after with, if that notion was actually real, he supposed he’d end up with another black man. His dates with white men were generally about sex and not much else. Most were curious to find out if black men were as well hung as the rumors said. Anyway, Ray ended things pretty quick with these sorts once they’d had their physical fill. He’d not been that curious to get to know them better.