“No, I’m—” Nick started to explain just as the girl went to close the door in his face. He put his foot in the way.
“Mom!” she screamed, trying to push him out with the door. “There’s some psycho at the door trying to get in!”
“What? Caroline, what’s going on?” A woman’s voice came from inside.
“No, wait,” Nick protested. “I’m expected.”
That stopped the girl, Caroline, Nick supposed. She stared at him, the door still poised to close. “By who?”
“Ray. Ray Carmichael.”
Just then a pretty ebony skinned woman appeared behind the girl. She frowned at him. “You’re Nick?”
Nick nodded.
“I’m Ray’s sister, Gina, and this is my daughter, Caroline.” She stepped aside to let him in. “I’m sorry, Ray didn’t mention you were a white man.”
“Nice to meet you,” Nick said, stepping inside, wondering why Ray didn’t think to warn his family the man he was seeing was white. Already he could tell he was way underdressed. Gina wore an elegant ivory pantsuit.