WebNovelThe Grump14.29%

Chapter 3

“I was very careful. I made sure nothing was scratched or damaged.”

Douglas, ever frowning, nodded. “Got the rent?”

Brad fished his wallet out of his back pocket. “Here you go.” He handed Douglas a wad of notes. “One month, wasn’t it?”

Douglas gave a single nod. “All right, then,” he said, pulling a key out of his jeans pocket and dropping it into Brad’s hand. “I’ll leave you boys alone. Keep the noise down.”

Brad watched him walk to the landing and descend the stairs. He waited until his head had disappeared before closing the door.

“Do you reckon he heard me?” asked Michael.

“Who gives a fuck?” said Alistair. “He isa miserable bastard.”

“I don’t know how you’re going to put up with him,” said Michael. “I couldn’t.”

Brad sat on his bed. “I don’t plan on seeing him much. Got my own key. I’m on a totally different floor to him. If I keep the noise down, I’ll only have to see him once a week to give him the rent.”