For the remainder of the day, if they were in the same room, Brad would steal glances at Enzo, drinking in his masculine beauty from afar. Once or twice he thought Enzo caught him gawking, but he didn’t care if he was seen or not. He wanted Enzo to know he was interested.
On Thursday, after Brad had finished with his last client for the day, he walked into the male staff changing room. It was a small room, proportionate to the low percentage of male staff employed at the Rendell Clinic. It contained a row of eight lockers opposite a row of three toilet cubicles. At the back of the room was a tiled recess with two showerheads, beside which stood a wash basin and mirror. In front of the lockers was a two-metre-long slatted bench, and in front of the door, a one-metre-long privacy wall.
He was tossing up whether to shower at work or if he could wait until he got home. When he saw Enzo lathering his body under one of the showerheads, his mind was made up.