Chapter 7

A glance at his watch told him it was too late to consider leaving at once to head back to New Mexico, although the notion tempted him. It would be foolish to drive through the night when he was already tired and he had a perfectly good room—an elegant one, in fact—already paid for right here in Dallas. He could endure one more night away. At that moment, a sound behind him made him spin around.

Tim stood there, a shy smile on his face. “It seemed to go very well.”

DeVore nodded. “So it did. I was contemplating the tempting notion of making my escape as soon as I could get back to the room, change and gather my stuff, but I have to admit that was foolish. It’s late, I’m tired again, and I have a perfectly good room here, far better than a motel in some one-horse town between here and Magdalena, where exhaustion would force me to stop.”