After that, he slowed at each point where a forest road left the highway, questing down the dirt tracks to seek a hint of Tim’s passage. The third one felt right. He took it. The road took him past a derelict ranch, corrals still in useable shape, but the house and barn falling to ruin. He guessed the family had long since moved to town. If they still ran cattle, perhaps an old cowboy camped in a line cabin somewhere, or perhaps they just came out on weekends to take care of things. He saw a decades-old pickup, more rust now than faded blue paint, but no green Jeep sat in the ranch yard. He drove on.
Eventually the road ended at a campground looking little better than the ranch. A dilapidated outhouse stood to one side and a couple of picnic tables, scarred and splintered. A flash of green caught his eye. Yes, there sat the Cherokee, behind a bushy juniper tree. DeVore parked on the closer side of the same tree and got out. He circled slowly, looking for tracks.