Chapter 4

The smell from the bakery just two doors down wafted over him as he neared, and he made a mental note to come back and get donuts and muffins for breakfast tomorrow. His stomach growled and he wondered if it was too late to change the planned breakfast at the shelter for this morning. While he tried to eat healthy most days, oatmeal was not one of his favorite foods.

Eric, the manager of the drugstore across the street, stepped out his front door with a broom and raised his hand in greeting. Jacob waved back and watched him start sweeping fallen leaves, inwardly groaning as he imagined how many were piling up in the back of the shelter. He could already imagine Peter balking about helping.

When he reached the path at the end of the block that led through the park, he picked up the pace, urging his body to move faster and harder than usual in the mornings. Jacob wanted to feel the burn today.