Chapter 16

“Fuck!” Luka growled. “You have no idea what you do to me. I can barely keep my eyes on what I’m doing when I’m at the shelter. All I want to do is touch you. Kiss you. Look at you. You’re so goddamn sexy, Jacob. You drive me crazy.” He pulled him against his body.

Jacob trembled with desire as he felt Luka’s hard cock through his jeans. Jacob was just as hard and couldn’t remember wanting another man as much he wanted Luka. He wanted Luka inside him, taking him, making him his.

“I-I…feel the same,” he whispered against Luka’s chest. “I feel this…connection…with you that I have never felt before.”

Luka wrapped his arms around Jacob. “My mother told me something when I was younger and I’ve held her words close to my heart.” He tipped up Jacob’s chin with his fingers until they looked into each other’s eyes.

Jacob trembled, already knowing in his heart that what Luka was going to say would be important to both of them. “What did she say?”