Chapter 32

At the sound of a loud engine, Jacob ran to the front door and pulled it open. A large truck he didn’t recognize was parking directly in front of their walk. He furrowed his brow as he watched the passenger door open, trying to glimpse the driver.

When he saw Luka step out, carrying a pizza box, he grinned and waved. Looked like Luka’d had the same thought about the weather and they’d be staying in.

Luka turned and spoke to the driver, and waved him off before heading up the walk.

“Hi,” Jacob said as he took the box from him. “Ooh, still warm!”

Luka stomped his boots and stepped inside. “Are you okay with eating in? It’s getting really slick.”

Jacob smiled. “I’m completely fine with it. I was thinking the same thing just a few minutes ago.” He watched Luka peel himself out of his coat and gulped hard. His blue Henley clung to him in all the right places.

“You see something you like, baby?”