Chapter 4

The king, naturally, had enough coins to pay whatever ransom this man sought. If he were so inclined. Benedict was held in somewhat high favor, but his father had a volatile temper and could decide to let Benedict’s captivity linger.

His traitorous cock rose at such an idea. In truth, he could not deny he was attracted to the knave. As soon as the man had fallen from the tree, Benedict merely looked at him and got hard. He had just the sort of dark, smoldering looks Benedict seemed destined to be attracted by.

Benedict let out a shaky breath, thinking about the things the magician did to his body. He wondered if perhaps the man had used some sort of spell to make him so hard. But no, Benedict could no longer deny he was attracted to men, though he had tried before. ‘Twas not the usual way of things. Men swived with women. If his sire knew of his secret desires…