Chapter 9

It had taken him but a moment to decide who he wanted to abduct. Only Benedict would do. The man he’d boldly brought to orgasm in the corner at the palace. A man who inspired such passion in Warin with mere excited gasps. Warin almost dismissed it as too risky given the close connection Benedict had to the king. But the more he turned the idea over and over in his head, the more he wanted Benedict as his captive.

“‘Tis a shame this castle has been abandoned,” Benedict commented. He turned to look at Warin. “What is its history?”

Warin shrugged. “I am not entirely certain. I believe it was destroyed in a siege many years ago. Jonas knows more.”

Benedict folded his arms across his chest and bit his lip.

“Is he…is Jonas your lover?”

“Jonas?” He laughed at that. “No, your highness. I have known him since I was a small child. He and my mother were lovers. He is a father figure to me.”

Benedict blushed but looked pleased to hear the news. “I only wondered.”