Chapter 11

“Warin…” Jonas hesitated, looking as though he wished to question him further. Jonas had not wanted him to resort to abducting someone of their own. They’d spoken at length about it. The trouble was, Jonas could think of no other solution. No doubt he wished to tell Warin once more of the mistake. He was too heartsick to hear it.

“Thank you, Jonas. That will be all for now.”

* * * *

Benedict stared out at the rain-filled night from the window in the bedchamber. Warin had not yet returned. He’d already warmed himself by the fire and changed to the dry clothing Jonas had provided for him.

His mood had turned decidedly melancholy while waiting for Warin. He couldn’t quite figure out the reason. Well, but he suspected it was because he knew the time here with Warin was surely at an end. Or nearly so. He should be jubilant.