“A batch of gin and tonics on the porch.”
“Yeah right. You closing early in a rainstorm? You barely close on Christmas Day.”
I shut, then locked the store. “I close for important things like rainstorms, Labor Day, and random Tuesdays.”
Chad shot me a knowing glance before speeding off.
The pitcher of crushed ice, gin, tonic, and limes came with me out to the porch. I hoped Garbi would appear soon. I stripped down to the well-funked-up jock and sat on a rocker. Not bothering with a glass, I sipped from the pitcher and held it against my neck while chewing bits of ice.
The rain moved in heavy sheets across the lavender fields. My eyelids felt heavy. After another swig from the pitcher, I closed my eyes.
Garbi’s practice had to have been thwarted. Patron’s Field would be awash. I imagined the soccer player’s wet, dripping, maybe angry and shaking their fists at the sky. They’d take off their shirts and swing them around their heads like flags.
* * * *