“Friday would be better for me.”
“Fantastic. I’ll come by in the grooming truck, and then if everything goes well, I can see to Aldo’s haircut right then and there.”
“Grooming truck?” I echoed, even as I put it on the calendar. I wasn’t likely to forget, but I wanted to make sure nothing got scheduled. Working from home meant I made my own hours, and my bosses didn’t hesitate to put things on my schedule in the evening hours. Especially if the client lived in a different time zone.
“Yeah! It’s great. A small RV I had converted. The whole back is a grooming station. That way I can go right to my client’s houses. Best investment I ever made.”
His enthusiasm was infectious, and I found myself grinning. I gave him my address when he asked for it, and he gave an excited bark of laughter.
“I go right by there on my walks!”
A tendril of embarrassment worked its way into my stomach, even though I knew it was ridiculous. “I saw you yesterday when I was mowing the lawn.”