Chapter 4

Until then, William intended to enjoy his freedom. And that meant enjoying his very appealing squire. Certainly he’d waited long enough to slake his lust.

As a general rule, William didn’t dally with his squires. It felt like somewhat of a conflict to him. He liked his lovers willing, and he wanted no squires feeling obligated to satisfy him. For some reason, Duncan had been different from the start. He’d been attracted to the curly-haired young man since he’d first taken him on as squire.

In the beginning, William had resisted Duncan for two reasons: he seemed very young and, as far as he could tell, had no interest in male lovers. Over the course of two years, Duncan had obviously matured and filled out. William had also begun to suspect Duncan was indeed interested in men. Last night had confirmed his suspicions.

Duncan hurried out of the tent. His breath puffed out in the cold morning air. “Sorry again, sir.”