Chapter 9


“How the hell did you know how to do that so well?”

Duncan hid his face.


“I’ve been practicing.”

Raw jealousy slammed through William. He tightened his fingers on the squire’s locks. “Practicing?”

“Um, yes, with…with objects. Oh, God, I can’t believe I told you that.”

William bit his tongue to keep from laughing. “So, not with men, then?”

“Nay.” Duncan sighed.

“I’m glad to hear it.”

Duncan shook his head. “Don’t worry, I only want you. I always imagined it was your cock.”

William covered his eyes. “You’re going to kill me, boy.”

“Yes, especially if you insist on calling me a boy. I am no boy, William. I am eighteen.” Duncan raised his head and glared at him.

“You seem a boy to me. Lord, I feel ancient.”

“You are only seven and twenty. Not even old enough to be my father.”

William winced. “That doesn’t make me feel better.”

Duncan sighed. “Now is not the time to make a big deal out of our age difference. Jesu, William, we’ve already—”