Chapter 11

“You were winning tournaments by the time you were my age.”

William smiled. “Aye, but not all knights do, Duncan. What is in your heart? If you have no desire to be a knight, you do not have to be.”

“What other choice is there except the priesthood?” Duncan felt suddenly very discouraged and sad.

“A scholar?”

“Most scholars are priests, are they not?”

“Mayhap. You do not have to decide just yet. I will not force you to be a knight if that is not your calling. There are soldiers and guards who are not knighted. This could be an option for you.” William yawned. “I care naught if you only share my bed and wile away the hours picking posies in the fields.”

Duncan’s heart lightened. William was right. He certainly didn’t have to decide now. He should just enjoy what he had found with William.

William stroked his head absently. “Now…go to sleep, pest. I do not feel like talking anymore.”

Duncan nodded against him and hugged him. “William?”
