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Chapter 14

William tilted Duncan’s chin up and slanted his lips over his. His tongue probed Duncan’s lips apart and thrust into his mouth. Duncan whimpered.

“I want you, Duncan. I need you. I love you,” William whispered against his lips. “You’re everything to me.”

Tears pressed Duncan’s eyes again and squeezed out. His heart raced and almost burst from his chest. He pulled William’s lips back to his and kissed him with all that he felt in his heart.

William tried to move him toward the small cot, but Duncan quickly shook his head. “It will never hold our weight.”

William nodded and pulled him toward the wall. He pushed Duncan against it and devoured his mouth. The knight pulled Duncan’s tunic over his head and tossed it aside. He made short work of his own jerkin and threw it in the same direction.

Duncan practically crawled up William. He threaded his fingers in the soft blond locks covering his lover’s head.