Chapter 69

Feeling a twinge of suspicion after what had happened that morning when the phantom James appeared in the cabin, Morgan asked, as he had the night before, “Who sent you?”

Morgan couldn’t be sure, but it seemed as if the coyote gave a sly smile as he spoke. “You’ve asked that before, and I say again that it is none of your concern. Do you want the question, or not?”

“Yes,” Morgan said hesitantly. “Ask your question.”

The coyote sat down. With a great show of importance, it stretched its neck, looked upward, and shook its head. Then it returned its gaze to Morgan and asked, “What will you do if Grey Wolf tells you he is notwilling, even for the sake of his clan, to live without the physical expression of your love? Will you still go on without him, and without the gifts of the Wolf Spirit to serve the People?”