“I will pay you a hundred and fifty pounds to look after my brother for a week, and I will give you another two hundred and fifty when I come back if he is alive and in good health.” She brandished the handful of money at him. The determined tilt to her chin became more pronounced.
Two hundred and fifty pounds…Will shook his head. Good Christ, that was a ridiculous sum and it made him wonder.
“What has he done?”
“Nothing…I don’t know.” She stared at him for a long moment, and then shook her head and swallowed.
She appeared to reach a decision. “Holbrook wants him dead. He had a good go at killing him. Dearne is gravely injured and in urgent need of help and a safe place to be and someone to nurse him. I don’t know what else to do. I don’t know who I can trust. I brought him here because…” She stopped and put her hand to her eyes.
Will sighed and shook his head.