
Chapter 20

“Well, gentlemen, I sincerely hope you catch Dearne, and when you do, give him a slap for me.”

The men laughed and finished their drinks. They left amid much laughing and backslapping and when the carriage rolled away, Will sagged against the door. 6

Dearne sat himself on the bed and waited for Will to come into the room. His head was ringing with what he had heard. How did they know about him? Was it common knowledge? He tried to remember who might know, but couldn’t. Couldn’t remember a damned thing. He tried to recall what in God’s name had happened to him. Just what had transpired between him and his brother? The fact was he couldn’t, no matter how hard he tried. It worried him, along with the fact his recent past was more than a little hazy. He remembered fighting in Belgium, remembered being crushed…He put his head in his hands as pain stabbed through his eyeballs. It was as though he was wrapped tightly up, unable to get out and find his memories.