He thumbed through the pages of a magazine he had selected and found an interesting article on crop management, but found he couldn’t settle enough to master the content. He realised just how unused to sitting about idly he was. His days were filled with labour. Often back breaking labour, which meant, he realised, he didn’t need to think above much. Sitting in the parlour like this, just waiting for Holbrook to arrive, was interminable. What the hell were they to say to the man? What was Dearne going to do? Confront him?
Will’s gut churned uncomfortably. He closed the magazine and placed it on the table, making Dearne look up.
“I think I might take a walk,” he said to no-one in particular. Lady Araminta and Miss Rose looked up and smiled.
“I might join you,” Dearne said, putting his own book down.
“Excellent.” Will smiled tightly at Dearne and they both bowed to the ladies and left.